What is ChatRoles?

Since the launch of ChatGPTs, we have all felt its power - just ask it a question directly, even more convenient than Google.

ChatRoles is a task processing service built on the basis of ChatGPTs. So why do we need ChatRoles instead of directly asking ChatGPTs?

In one word, when a problem/task is too complex and requires over thousands of Q&As to clarify, we need a method to break down the task and assign it to multiple roles for execution.

This can include tasks such as market research, writing a novel, developing a game, or even mundane tasks like installing software.

The ChatTree structure, proposed by ChatRoles, is a tree-like chat structure where tasks are broken down and executed in small groups before being consolidated in a larger group for delivery of results.

Why do we need ChatRoles?

So why do we have to make it so complicated?

This involves several technical issues.

Contextual constraints

First, ChatGPTs has a ~4k~30k tokens limitation. This means that if you chat with it too much, it will forget the previous conversation and won’t be able to handle too complex problems.

Therefore, using the context structure of ChatTree, subtasks can be split into sub-conversations, which won’t enlarge the main context length. ChatRoles works like team members who cooperate and communicate privately. As the big boss, you don’t need to grasp each details.


If a task involves thousands or more Q&As, you probably wouldn’t want to follow up on every details. Therefore, it’s necessary to leverage the ability of the ChatGPT role-playing to enable multiple ChatRoles to communicate with each other automatically.

Fine-tuned models

Some ChatRoles require not only role-playing, but also specific professional skills, such as the Medical Expert role. We can fine-tune a model for the specific domain and make it available in the ChatRoles repo for community to use.

Task knowledge base

Each task has its own dedicated knowledge base. For example, when developing a game app, you can consult with experts in the ChatRoles repo, including requirements analysts, architects, developers, etc. They’ll firstly build various documentation and design based on your requirements, then code repo. All these need to be easy to query and update by ChatRoles.

These are implemented through a specifically designed VectorStore infrastructures.

How to use ChatRoles?

There are the following ways to use ChatRoles.

ChatBox user

It’s basically the same as chatting with ChatGPT. The only difference is that when you input your question, we will automatically recommend some related ChatRoles you can chat with, so that you can get better answers.

ChatRoles user

Here, you can create/train/tune your own ChatRoles, contribute to the repo, and share them with the community.

ChatRoles coordinator

As a coordinator user, the main goal is to effectively organize multiple ChatRoles and build a BigRole, in order to accomplish more complex tasks.

ChatRoles developer

ChatRoles can not only converse with people, but also with third-party services such as APIs, web, databases, shells, etc. This requires developers to do some driver-like development work. We look forward to building this together with community. Remember, the first rule is SECURITY.